Our office is filled with life and character but we are also filled with the knowledge that an office is like a heartbeat and it's humanity and continuing effort to flow are what make us all here part of a bigger world. Yes we are here for you and our time is precious like yours, so we want you to know that we appreciate your time with us. You are an extension of our family and with your help our office rescues special dogs, families in need and children in distress. Our initiative is to grow a brand that is more than just booking a home, it's a long term investment in the future of people. We are all part of one whole, those parts do not work without one another, so we all strive to be sure that you know as we know, that you are important to us here and part of our family that makes your dreams come true.
Being part of a team isn't just about my past or accomplishments but more so about the team that you work with and how all of us have together worked to make our clients happy and return year after year. The most important things are not that I am one of the first people to combine the villas and services in the USA but I am also the first woman to do this, in a way that combined the idea of travel, concierge, event planning and tours all in one. I take the crazy out of planning those types of secret trips that inspire, which make me feel as if I've given someone a special gift. Those moments fill me with joy and anticipation for the next trip, the next moment, to make that next trip they take even more inspirational. I can just be another owner who is absentee and sells my company and doesn't care about the end of the day concerns, but I am not one of those people. My fight to where I am made me aware of how important every single person is and made me value every dollar spent. We all work hard, we all deserve to know we are cared for, so I hope I do that with every client that calls, walks in, or emails me. I want to thank my team of great employees and family for being a part of this journey because they make this job worth doing.
As a mother and wife Elsa has been with me over 15 years, a family member and friend she has come to design and inspire trips her clients ask her for year after year. Although her main duties now fall in heading our Financial aspects, she resonates a positive and cheerful message to all guests with a wonderful inside knowledge of what it means to be a working mother and have balance. A continued supportive inspiration she always has time to sit with clients and make sure they get all that they want, being very detailed about just what their budget may be and how to best divide their time. Being a graduate of Brandeis I feel more than lucky to have her, as she is a part of the wheel that makes this machine run. Speaking both Portuguese and English gives her that special edge that gives our guests the confidence to call in and have someone available to speak to them in their language. She is driven by family, compassion and inspired by her son and seeing that he always feels he is first in her life. If you have a need for family travel Elsa is always here to help.
As the longest lead team member Alex has been with the company almost 20 years, with a small hiatus while he ventured to other things and now back with us. He is the single person who can talk to you about almost any sporting event regardless of where or when. He has a deep knowledge of Men's Sporting travel but more so a love for his 2 sons and wife who drive him to be a better version of himself every day. With a degree from FIU he brings his business knowledge every day, but more than that no matter who you are when you speak to him you always leave with a smile. There is a big difference between a job you do and loving sales and speaking to people. He truly loves people and talking to people and engaging on any topic, which is a very rare quality. He also speaks Spanish which comes in handy for those who have English as a second language. His heart is in making sure everyone is happy and when they are not he strives to make sure that he tries everything to change that. Working hard for his family and the love of life, zest for life, is what makes Alex the best at finding anyone the most incredible journey. From Jets to a Ticket to a game to a Cruise or a luxury Private Island. If you want to do something special Alex wants to make sure it's perfect every time!
Being part of a team has always been a wonderful part of Nichole's drive, as a part of the Coast Guard and our offices. Her attention to detail and ability to help those plan amazing trips self guided has made her an invaluable part of the team. Going into her 15th year with our company she has grown to specialize in some of the most amazing locations in the world, including the Caribbean and Italy. She has always loved a challenge and daily finds ways to challenge herself in life and in her personal life, as the sister and aunt to her wonderful nephew and niece, she always finds time to spend time with her family. She loves the water and helping our environment as well as ensuring that when we in the office have an immediate need for a bird or wildlife rescue she can jump into action. A great leader and filled with spirit, she would be great at helping anyone achieve that laid back relaxing holiday they so richly desire.
Having come from a background in caring for the disabled and being a well rounded traveler made her perfect for helping our Sales & Marketing come to life. She lives for making people smile and happy and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Her drive comes from knowing that there is a balance between the worlds within one another. She's the first to take on a task and share her ideas and the first to bring new ideas to the table, always sharing her knowledge and first hand experience with guests and partners. Her character with dealing with stress is one of ease and understanding, within the office setting she's consistently trying to help people build skills and take on tasks as well as learning her new trade in travel. She loves speaking to clients about their trip ideas and enjoys her site visits and tours. She can help not only a client chose a destination but she is quick to make sure that destination is sound and has all of the things we need in a truly special vacation for our guests. She's the newest part of the team but every day we're happy we have her to share in the idea of dreamexoticrentals future for tomorrow.
Pamela began her journey over 12 years ago with our team. She has over 40 years of "on the ground" travel, event & wedding design, concierge, tours and so much more. If you ask who is most well rounded in terms of how she performs and what she does, well then it has to be an A for Pamela. This past year Pamela moved from the USA to Sardinia Italy, taking with her the ideas that we set forth in this office and making dreamexoticrentals a well rounded international company, bringing her new tours that are exclusive to our company with her. This past year her goal of having her family in Sardinia to continue their wine legacy came to fruition as they win award after coveted award in their wine Jankara. We curate beautiful wine tours for our guests, giving them access to the vineyard during harvest, having a wine tasting and pairing and so much more. Wine is in her soul and now it's part of her future within her home of Sardinia. Pamela is always ready to go full gears ahead and plan perfection, even traveling with our guests when they want to have their trip truly perfected. There is no better way to experience Europe than with your own private guide and that's exactly what Pamela is to some. To me she is a friend, a kind heart, a gentle soul, someone who is filled with life and love for family and all that she does reflects that. I know that once you speak to Pamela that you too will enjoy everything that she has to to say and take in every beautiful element of her curated journeys.
A spectacular team of Creative and Interactive Marketing, Print, Social Media and Web Design. To say that they are family to us is to say it mildly because our sites are not the cookie cutter type. We take time to design individual pages and to be sure that our site is not only creatively sound but that it speaks to people and it brings people in with more content and more information than any other. Emi and Marto do so much more than create pages, they are also the most kind and professional people you will ever encounter. With their backgrounds in Project Management and Web & Social Media they were exactly what I needed to put into place a team that would be long term, loyal and understand the values that I hold so near and dear to me. Yes, today there is the possibility of hiring anyone, at any time, but for me it's about our long term relationships and our ability to see past the idea of an employee being expendable. This is a married team that inspires passion, creativity and makes us all smile. They may not work daily inside of our office, but they are here at heart. And with every page you turn on our site you will see a piece of them speak to you. So when you want to see new and inspirational designs, always know that they will part of this award winning team for the long term (or at least we can hope).
Coda came to us as a rescue from Miami. She was abandoned in a Kennel and would have starved to death had it not been for the amazing rescue organization that found her. She is a beautiful Bully with all the dog bossiness you can instill and she's our office mascot. On any given day you can find her lounging out on her bed or just waiting for some food to fall on the floor. Regardless of what that is, she's going to be sure to give her job her all.
Stella came to us VIA a main Highway that she was abandoned on. While driving our President saw her sitting in the middle of the road and saw cars darting by her. From the lacerations on her neck and back it appeared she had been abused, was hungry and covered in fleas. Our President opened the door of her car and in jumped Stella, without any hesitation she became part of the pack. She was cleared for wood chipping duty and now considers herself fully recovered. She spends her days in her later years with our team member Claudia, who has found in her the heart that she was missing in her life. We are happy to have Stella as our wood chipping queen, given a stick she will whittle it down until it's full chipped, as says her title of Wood Chipper.
Uma came to us from the Petsmart initiative for finding dogs homes. She was a very shy and very recluse puppy who had been rescued from a hoarding situation and had some serious health issues. The President took on this very sick puppy and nursed her back to health, giving her a home and lots of love in the process. Uma spends her time at the window staring out and making sure we know when there is a squirrel on premises. With her very funny bark and her very ridiculous trot she often makes us all laugh and remember that sometimes animals are a little "goofy" too and that's what we do love about her. Uma is a very special dog with the warmest soul, we're always so happy to see her.
Mila was rescued from the street and had been abandoned to fend for herself. She was just a small puppy but she could melt your heart with her big eyes. Left in the street she learned to be cautious and learned to chase lizards for food, however now she likes her bones just a little more, but she hasn't lost the drive to chase. So you'll often times find her hunting lizards or looking for their hideouts, it's one of her favorite past times. Her precious loving heart will melt anyone to mush, she truly is a doggy hammy. She will talk and howl so you know she wants to be loved and we are most happy to love her up any chance we get. Mila is a special dog to all of us here.
© 2025 Dreamexoticrentals | Established 2000